Monday, July 26, 2010

What can I say...I love to blog!

I was talking with some friends the other evening. Amongst the many varied topics we stumbled upon, my hiking blog and Scott and I going vegetarian both came up. Then, an epiphany occurred at the table. Actually it was more of Chrischele and Char's request and my epiphany that it wasn't such a bad idea! ha ha The request/epiphany regarded another blog about vegetarian cooking. Since I have fans, how could I deprive? Actually, truth told, I really like blogging. It's a great outlet for me. I really like to write autobiographically. Which also explains my love of humorous memoirs; I guess I'm just trying to be like them with this whole blogging thing.

So welcome to my blog on vegetarian living! What you can expect from this blog is advice and recipe reviews. I know many of you reading this are not vegetarians and that doesn't offend me in the slightest. However, it is easy to take many of the recipes I'm going to review on here and be vegetarian one meal a week. As I said on Facebook, it's all about eating healthy. So, come and get it y'all!


  1. Glad to see this, Hilary! And I say good food is good food!!

    And aren't you impressed that I figured out how to comment?

  2. I'm thrilled that you can comment!!! I hope you enjoy the blog.
